Swivels and snaps
These are small yet vital accessories that complete any functional set of tackle. Faltering on tiny details can lead to the loss of your favourite lure or, in the worst case scenario, to the loss of that record-breaking whopper at the other end of the line. We have paid special attention to ensuring that our swivels spin as freely as possible. This is a feature that is especially appreciated by spinner enthusiasts. Our swivels and snaps are made from durable stainless steel.
Choose a swivel or snap that is the right size for your lure! The action of a small lure can be disrupted by a snap or swivel that is too big for it. You should also remember that plugs do not need a swivel as they do not spin around like spinners and spoons do. We recommend a simple plug snap for use with plug lures.
Hooks and lure rings must be replaced if they are bent or if they show a lot of rust. You can increase the lifespan of both lures and hooks by drying them carefully before placing them back in the tackle box for storage.

Popular Kuusamo lure & jog lock. Well known among salmon fishermen . Sizes: 10, 14 and 17 mm.

Rolling barrel swivel. Sizes: 20 mm (1), 18 mm (2), 17 mm (3), 15 mm (4) and 11 mm (6).

Stainless steel swivel with tournament snap.
nro 5 / 41 mm / 58 kg
nro 6 / 33 mm / 45 kg
nro 8 / 31 mm / 35 kg.

Stainless steel swivel.
13 mm/ 45 kg
15 mm / 65 kg
17 mm / 80 kg

Rolling barrel swivel with D-snap.
Sizes 23 mm (8), 28 mm (6), 31 mm (4), 40 mm (2) ja 42 mm (1).

Ball bearing swivel with D-snap and welded ring.
Sizes 27 mm (0), 28 mm (1), 30 mm (2), 34 mm (3) ja 39 mm (4).

Snap swivel.
Sizes 23 mm (2), 23 mm (3), 30 mm (3,5) 35 mm ja 35 mm (4).

Stainless steel rings. Sizes 6 mm (3), 7.5 mm (4), ja 8 mm (5).
Knot-at-all 14 ja 24 mm.
Double snap 12 mm.

Kuusamo spoons and anti-weed hooks can be purchased separately. Fly Hooks with anti-weed protection, sizes 2 and 6. The double hook with anti-weed protection hook, size 2.

Does the bead drop out from your lure? No problem – buy a small assortment of accessories and repair your lure.